Membership - U3A Pegasus Canterbury Logo Close

There is something for everybody

We have an open membership policy for people over 55 although we have a capped limit of 250. As at 1 October 2024, our waiting list is at its maximum.

As a member of Pegasus U3A, you can join as many of the interest groups as you want to, so long as there are places available and you can also attend the monthly meetings which are held on the third Monday of every month.

If you are on our waiting list and intend joining as a full member when there is a vacancy, you can join any of our interest groups.   Contact the interest group convenor to see whether there is space.  

How much does it cost?

Annual membership fee is $30. In addition, there may be a cost for specific groups depending on the activity. This covers the monthly speaker’s costs, any postage and general administration.

How to join

U3A Pegasus is currently at our maximum of 250 members. Because we have a waiting list of 50 people we have had to close it as at 1 October 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I try u3a out before joining?  Yes.  You can come to a monthly meeting or attend a group meeting before deciding whether you want to join U3A.  (Check with the group’s convenor that there are places available – see contact details – Interest groups)

  • Do I need to be a member of U3A Pegasus before joining one of the interest groups?  Yes, however, if you are on the waiting list, you can join an interest group provided that you agree to become a full member when you are advised of the next vacancy becoming available.

  • When I am already a member, how do I renew my subscription? Existing members are advised via the newsletter or separate email when the annual subscription is due, where it should be paid and the bank account number.